Monday, December 28, 2009

adam + jessica = married!

i love weddings where everything is just right. from the start of the day when the bridesmaids are getting ready to when the bride and groom leave for the honeymoon, everything is just good. that is the best way i can think of to describe adam and jessica's big day. it was just right. they were such a fun couple, the families were great, the bridal party was super, and everything was good. i had so much fun shooting this wedding and besides it being freeeeezing there really is nothing I would have changed about it. adam and jessica are awesome and i think its easy to tell watching them that they are the real deal. hope you enjoy the pictures!








GO DAWGS!!! -aka- jessica's bridals

so this was one of the coolest shoots i've been a part of because i got to go spend an hour "between the hedges" in sanford stadium doing some awesome bridals. i did these a few months ago and i have been counting down the days until jessica got married so I could put these up and since she got married last weekend(see post above...) here they are! jessica was a ton of fun to work with and had lots of great ideas for cool photos to surprise adam, her football loving husband, with. Hope you enjoy them!




Wednesday, December 9, 2009

christen + tad = married!

This is a wedding that we looked forward to for a long time. Christen is one of Jessie's good friends from high school and one of her "girl's night girls" so when Christen emailed me about possibly being a part of her wedding Jessie told me we had to make sure we were there. It was such a beautiful wedding and just one of those days where every detail seemed to flow together just as it was planed. Christen and Tad were a lot of fun to photograph and Jessie and I were honored to be a part of their special day. Hope you enjoy the photos!







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Monday, December 7, 2009

joanna + bentley

this was one of the most special shoots for me because not only did i get to play with my new camera and shoot some cool pics in a parking garage, but i got to celebrate my little sister's engagement. it was a little weird for me as a protective big brother to come to terms with the idea of my little sister getting married but i honestly couldn't be happier for her and my soon to be brother-in-law is a great addition to the family. this shoot has been in the works since the day they got engaged back in july. after a few months of changing dates to find a time where we could all get together we finally found a weekend that was supposed to be really pretty just before thanksgiving and just as luck would have it, it rained. i called joanna the day before to talk with her about maybe trying to still do the shoot even with the rain and while she was a little hesitant at first we were all really glad we decided to go for it because it allowed for a different style of backgrounds than I would have normally picked since we had to find shelter from the rain. so from random awnings to the church breezeway and even in a parking garage we found fun opportunities for photos and I was thrilled with the results. i love you jo and i'm so excited for you and bentley! enjoy the pics!




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